This picture is terrible but it's a good depiction of how I feel in the morning, ha. This is a pre-coffee photo, and my eyes are obviously not yet adjusted to the light.
The shirt reads: "Another boring day in paradise ... Key West." It was a good find, although it was almost ruined at one point. I washed it with a green sweatshirt (another thrift store purchase, and one that I assumed had been washed many times before), and the sweatshirt bled all over my entire load of laundry. The yellow color of the shirt turned into a sort of puke green. Luckily, most of it washed out, but it still isn't as bright as it was originally. Still, salvaged.
Last weekend Mat and I did another Rock and Rummage in Toledo, Ohio. It was a good time, and if you get the chance to go to a Rock and Rummage, I highly recommend that you do. Check out the MySpace for more info: http://www.myspace.com/rockandrummage