December 22, 2008

Happy Holidays!

I cannot believe Christmas is this week! I'm still not done shopping. After Christmas, Mat and I have a 50% coupon to use at Value World, which we got for spending over $20 last week. So, hopefully we can put that to good use!

Here's what I wore when I finally started my Christmas shopping this past Thursday:

This amazing '80s Batman tee, which is unfortunately distorted here by my camera. (In case you haven't caught on yet, I love all things Batman.)

I layered up with this Woolrich vest that I got last week. Mat found it but passed it on to me. He has the exact same vest in navy blue. I love the sheep on the back, and there are also sheep on the buttons!

The color is perfect, and the vest is so warm. It feels like I'm wearing a giant pillow.

To our Rock and Rummage event on Friday, I wore one of my all-time favorite t-shirts:

The bottom reads, "Jamaica, One Love." It is so soft and thin, and it cheers me up every time I wear it.

I also got around to organizing some of my closet, which for the most part is a disaster zone.

That isn't everything, but it is the bulk of my t-shirt collection. You can see why I need to sell things--I just don't have the space to keep them all!

I have the day off today, and I've been taking full advantage of it, which is why it's 3 p.m. and I'm still in my pajamas. I guess it's time to get moving, but tell me all about your weekend!

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