December 16, 2008


I've been busy lately, which is both good and bad. The weekends especially have been extra crazy, leaving me no time to blog. To make up for it, this week will be full of picture-heavy posts!

Friday night I went to a formal dinner at a friend's house, which gave me the perfect excuse to wear my long-sleeve sequin shirt. I know I posted it a while back, but here is the shirt in full effect:

It is more silver in person. I also considered another outfit, but rejected it due to the cold weather:

The skirt is the vintage item. I just picked it up recently. I can barely move in it, but I love it! Here is a close-up:

It looks almost plastic-y, but feels like crushed velvet. I also got an amazing leather skirt yesterday that I will post soon!

Saturday night Mat and I did a Rock and Rummage event in Wyandotte, where I wore another recent purchase--a Christmas sweater:

This normally isn't my style but I really love this cute little sweater. I think it's because the fit is nice and slim, not like most Christmas sweaters you find at a thrift store.

Lastly, here is an item I picked up recently to be put in our Etsy shop:

I apologize for the crappy quality--I need a new digital camera (hear that, Santa?). This is a black blazer with gold stripes and gold buttons. It's perfect for the holidays!

I dropped about $40 yesterday at thrift stores (when I should be Christmas shopping), which got me a ton of new things, both for the shop and for my closet. I'll be posting all the new items on my blog this week before they go up for sale. Mat and I are also doing another Rock and Rummage event this Friday, and I'll post all the details for that tomorrow, so be sure and check back!

Well, that was my weekend! How was yours?

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